Compatibility table

The Integration has been made and is managed by Hikvision.

OPTEX productHikvision compatible softwareDevice SupervisionStatus EventsConnection protocolX/Y Coordinates Integration (Redscan only)
REDSCAN RLS-2020 / All versionsBaseline V4.21.000 and laterYesAlarm, Trouble, TamperUDP,TCPN/A
REDSCAN RLS-3060L/ SHBaseline V4.21.000 and laterYesAlarm, Trouble, TamperUDP,TCPN/A
REDSCAN Pro RLS-3060V/ RLS-50100VBaseline V4.21.000 and later


Alarm, Trouble, Tamper *ONVIF-Profile SN/A
PIE-1 / All versionsBaseline V4.21.000 and laterYesAlarm, Trouble, TamperTCP/UDPN/A
Fiber Commander / version numberBaseline V4.21.000 and laterYesAlarm, Trouble, TamperTCP/UDPN/A

* via 6 programmable digital IO outputs

Note: PIE-1 is available throughout EMEA. For other regions, please check with your local OPTEX team. Click here to find out the details of OPTEX companies and subsidiaries.

Integration schematic Hikvision and OPTEX sensors

Hikvision Optex Integration schematic

Hikvision company profile

Hikvision is an IoT solution provider with video as its core competency. Hikvision now has more than 42,000 employees, over 20,000 of which are R&D engineers. The company annually invests over 10% of its annual sales revenue to research and development for continued product innovation. Hikvision has established a complete, multi-level R&D system that includes every operation from research to design, development, testing, technical support, and service. Centered at its Hangzhou headquarters, the R&D teams operate globally, including R&D centers in UK, Canada and Asia-Pacific region, as well as eight cities in China.

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